Dorival Júnior analyzes the start of the Brazilian National Team’s preparation

In an interview with CBF TV, the coach spoke about the team's preparation period and analyzed the opponents of the two friendly matches before the debut in the Copa América
Josué Seixas
2024-06-02 08:00:43

Coach Dorival Júnior started on Thursday (30) the preparation of the called-up players for the dispute of the first official competition with the Brazilian National Team. The Copa América will open on the 20th. Brazil debuts against Costa Rica on the 24th, in Los Angeles.

Until then, the coach will lead the team in a series of training sessions in Orlando, Florida, and in two friendly matches. The first one will be against Mexico on the 8th, in Texas. The United States National Team will be the opponent on the 12th, in Orlando.

In an interview with CBF TV, the coach talked about the team’s preparation period, explained the option to train in the United States, and analyzed the opponents of the friendlies.


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Read the main excerpts from the interview:


We are already experiencing what we will face here in the United States. It is a very hot period here, a little different from what we are going through in Brazil at the moment. Most of the players are already here. Only a few athletes who are still playing this weekend for their clubs are missing.


We will try to accelerate as much as possible, seeking a more collective work every day, trying to insert some concepts that we want, some behaviors that will be necessary and required in the sectors of the field.

We want to find a path that allows the National Team to sustain a pattern for a longer time, that we can quickly define this game pattern.

This is all that we are looking for at this moment. To make the National Team have a path, find this path, in a more sustainable way, that we can play without taking great risks throughout the matches. Seeking a balance between the sectors, which gives us confidence, and makes us more effective offensively so that we can find the necessary results.


They are two very physically strong teams. Mexico is a team that defends very well, has an interesting transition game. The United States National Team already seeks to have a little more ball possession. They also do an interesting work using usually a man a little more fixed, who strongly sustains the initial volume of the game. They also have a very focused marking. They will be two very important, interesting commitments, which will give us an idea of the moment we will be living.

Remembering Zagallo

Sambafoot Series launched a new documentary about the football legend Zagallo. Known as ‘Velho Lobo‘ and as superstitious as it gets, Zagallo helped shape what Brazilian football is nowadays — as a player and as a coach.

Binge the full series, available on Sambafoot’s Youtube channel.
