Dante says he believes Richarlison will succeed at Tottenham

The Brazilian striker did not have the best season with Tottenham and much more is expected of him
Josué Seixas
2023-05-18 20:32:57

Richarlison did not have the best season in his debut with Tottenham and the team felt it. Since his arrival from Everton for almost 60 million euros, the Brazilian striker had great expectations that in the end he could not meet. The team has not been at the level expected either and as of today, it is seventh with 57 points in the Premier League and jeopardizing its participation in European competitions for next season.

His compatriot Dante, a former Bayern Munich defender that is today at Nice, supported the forward according to an interview to the Walfoot site for next season and encouraged him to seek his best level: “He is a footballer with a lot of heart, he is a fighter and he has a great personality. I believe that the following season will be his”, affirmed the central defender.


Dante also talked about how difficult it is to go from one club to another when you play so differently and the level also goes up considerably: “I think sometimes it is difficult to go from a team that plays in one way to a totally different one. The departure of Antonio Conte I think is part of this. It’s not easy, specially for forwards”, said the Nice player.

Richarlison had a poor level throughout the season, playing 33 games, contributing to three goals and four assists, something that is considered low for his potential and what was paid for him. This is why both the player and the fans look to the next season with the hope that the striker will develop his full potential.