Al-Hilal crowned king of Saudi football

Thanks to an exemplary performance, the Saudi club achieves a historic championship-supercup-cup treble despite the absence of Neymar
Desmond Efe-Khaese
2024-06-02 13:00:29

Led by his Portuguese coach Jorge Jesus, Al-Hilal had an exceptional season winning three major trophies. Despite the injury absence of their flagship recruit Neymar for several months, the Al-Hilal players showed unfailing solidarity and determination to score triumph after triumph.

First winner of the Saudi championship, they then won the Super Cup against their rival Al-Shabab. These successes allowed them to consolidate their status as the undisputed leader of local football. But the highlight of their magnificent journey undoubtedly remains their victory in the Copa del Rey, obtained this weekend against Cristiano Ronaldo’s team, Al-Nassr.


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A collective victory despite the absence of Neymar

Carried by their delirious public, Neymar’s teammates demonstrated remarkable technical mastery to dominate their opponents of the day and win this coveted trophy. Despite the injury absence of their superstar Neymar, they were able to show solidarity to compensate for this lack and highlight the collective.

This historic hat-trick caps a dream year for Al-Hilal and further strengthens their first place in the national rankings. It also rewards the remarkable work of Jorge Jesus who was able to instill an irresistible winning dynamic into this team.

Now, all eyes are on next season where Neymar should make his comeback. His class and offensive talent will strengthen an already formidable squad. With such an additional weapon, Al-Hilal will be an even bigger favorite to keep their trophies and mark the history of Saudi football a little more.

Remembering Zagallo

Sambafoot Series launched a new documentary about the football legend Zagallo. Known as ‘ Velho Lobo ‘ and as superstitious as he gets, Zagallo helped shape what Brazilian football is nowadays — as a player and as a coach.

Binge the full series, available on  Sambafoot’s Youtube channel .
