Yannick Bolasie Yala, born on 24/05/1989 in Congo; The Democratic Republic Of The, is 35 years old and 188 tall.
Currently, wears the number 15 and plays as Attacker for Cruzeiro. The career began at Bristol City.
FAQs About Yannick Bolasie Yala
What is Yannick Bolasie Yala’s Full Name?
The full name is Yannick Bolasie Yala.
How Many Goals Has Yannick Bolasie Yala Scored Throughout the Career?
The Yannick Bolasie Yala has scored 63 goals in 401 matches.
What Titles Has Yannick Bolasie Yala Won?
The main titles won by Yannick Bolasie Yala are:
Catarinense - 1