L. Suárez, born on 24/01/1987 in Uruguay, is 38 years old and 182 tall.
Currently, wears the number 28 and plays as Attacker for Inter Miami. The career began at Ajax.
FAQs About L. Suárez
What is L. Suárez’s Full Name?
The full name is Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz.
How Many Goals Has L. Suárez Scored Throughout the Career?
The L. Suárez has scored 399 goals in 670 matches.
What Titles Has L. Suárez Won?
The main titles won by L. Suárez are:
Spain Primera Division, UEFA Champions League, Gaúcho - 1Individual Awards:
Premier League Golden Boot, FIFA Club World Cup MVP of the Final, FIFA Club World Cup Golden Ball