What Endrick said about Brazil’s Copa América debut?

Goal scorer of three goals with the national team, the striker showed patience to be the starter of the Brazilian National Team
Josué Seixas
2024-06-22 14:06:05

Striker Endrick is focusing on the debut of the Brazilian National Team. The 17-year-old player refused to comment on other opponents and made a point of showing respect for Costa Rica, Brazil’s first opponent in the continental competition. On Monday (24), Brazil faces the Costa Ricans, in Inglewood, in the metropolitan region of Los Angeles.

“We are not thinking about Colombia, we are not thinking about any other team except Costa Rica. I hope the fans see a spectacle, a fair game, played, and showing our beautiful goals, God willing,” said the player.


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“Costa Rica is a dangerous team and we have to be very careful,” added Endrick, the youngest called up by Dorival Júnior for the dispute of the continental competition, which was opened on Thursday (20) with Argentina’s 2-0 victory over Canada, in Atlanta. Colombia and Paraguay are also in Brazil’s group in the first phase of the Copa América.

Scorer of three goals in the Dorival Júnior era, the striker showed patience to be the starter of the Brazilian National Team in the Copa América. “Only God knows (when I will be a starter). I am very grateful to have had Abel (Ferreira) as a coach, he knew when to put me in. Everything in God’s time and Professor Dorival’s. He talks to me, I stay in my place, working,” said Endrick.

“No one needs to go beyond the stages, it’s all in due time. I will help in the conversation off the field, to have a good atmosphere. It’s in God’s time and in Dorival’s time. He is a spectacular coach. He is doing the best thing for the Brazilian national team, not for Endrick, Vini Jr or Rodrygo. I believe he is doing the best thing,” he added.