Vote for the Samba Gold Women 2021! Check out the list of nominees for the award and vote for this new modality

When it comes to women’s football, any football fan thinks of Rainha Marta and the legend Formiga. The tupiniquin players enchant the world of the ball in all decades of the most engaging game in the world. With this,’s grand prize launched this year the Samba Gold Female 2021, which aims to reward the […]
2021-12-15 14:54:16

When it comes to women’s football, any football fan thinks of Rainha Marta and the legend Formiga. The tupiniquin players enchant the world of the ball in all decades of the most engaging game in the world.

With this,’s grand prize launched this year the Samba Gold Female 2021, which aims to reward the best Brazilian player acting outside Brazil, regardless of the continent.

The men’s award has been in existence since 2008 and has as the big winner Neymar, from Paris Saint-Germain, who took the trophy home on four occasions – 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2020.

Among the voters, there is a division into three different groups: readers of the portal, guest players and coaches, as well as journalists specializing in the subject.

The votes have the same weight and importance in the award.

The voting link will be available between December 15th and January 14th. The winner’s name will be revealed on January 24th. The date of delivery of the trophy will be published on the website.

Altogether, there are 30 players selected based on game statistics, their role during matches, their achievements and recent performances.

The analysis period included games played from January to December 2021.

Check out the list of nominees for the Samba Gold Women 2021 award below:

nomenees women english

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