Record holder, Endrick thanks family and teammates for being called up: ‘I owe them everything’

If he plays against Colombia or Argentina, he will be the 4th youngest player to take the field with the Brazilian National Team
Josué Seixas
2023-11-07 07:51:35

Precocious from the Palmeiras academy, for which he always played in categories higher than his age, Endrick equaled Heitor’s record as the youngest Palmeiras players to be called up to defend the Seleção, both aged 17, followed by Mazzola, aged 18. Heitor he was called up in 1917, and Mazzola, in 1957.

Shortly after the call-up, the youngster received TV Palmeiras/FAM at his home and commented on the unprecedented moment in her career. “(Raphael) Veiga called me and said he will be there with me, he will stay by my side and record my prank singing”, he said, laughing. “We’ll see what happens. I just have to thank him for his friendship and my teammates for what we have been doing in the last few games”, he added, remembering with affection his parents Douglas and Cíntia Ramos.

“When everything was in turmoil, my parents calmed me down and were by my side, so I owe everything to them. They are an essential piece in my career and in my life, they tell me that I still don’t know my size, because there are always people talking about me. They only tell me positive things and that makes me calmer,” he said.


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If he takes the field against Colombia or Argentina, Endrick will be the youngest Palmeiras native to play for the Brazilian National Team, aged 17 years, three months and 26 days (Colombia) or 17 years and four full months (Argentina) – Heitor played at 17 years old , four months and 25 days in the friendly against Sportivo Barracas-ARG, including scoring one of the goals in the 2-1 victory, and Mazzola debuted at 18 years, 10 months and 23 days in the 3-0 victory in a friendly against Portugal, also swinging the nets once.

Overall, playing either of the two matches, he will be the fourth youngest to play in the history of the Seleção, behind only Pelé, aged 16 years, eight months and 15 days (in 1957), Edu, aged 16 years and ten months (in 1966), and Coutinho, aged 17 years and 28 days (in 1960).

“Yes, there is pressure on me, but I try not to pay attention to it. I only think about positive things to stay happy. I have my head on straight, doing the right things and I just have to thank God, my family and all my teammates. When I wasn’t well, they were by my side. I would especially like to thank Murilo and Veiga, who never left me alone. They are incredible people in my life and have helped me in all my phases here at Palmeiras”, he concluded.

Samba Gold 2023: Voting open!

Voting for the Samba Gold Award 2023 is now open. Choose your favorite in the men’s, women’s and under-20 categories!