Player is hit by a can during a Brazilian state championship game and suffers a cut to the head

Midfielder Alleff Freitas was playing for ASA in the Alagoas state championship when a CSE supporter threw the object towards him
Josué Seixas
2024-01-27 08:05:44

Midfielder Aleff Freitas was hit by a can during a match in the Alagoas state championship last Thursday (25). He suffered a cut to the head, but is already cleared from the hospital. The supporter who threw the can was already identified by the police.

The fact happened during the match between CSE, the home club, and ASA, Alleff’s club. The midfielder came back to the pitch in the second half, but his club lost by 2-0.


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“I was the target of a can thrown by an opposing fan, resulting in a deep cut on my head. I would like to thank everyone who sent messages for their concern and say that everything is fine with me and that I am being accompanied by the ASA medical department,” said Aleff via his social networks.

“Football is a space for healthy competition and respect, and events like this are completely at odds with this sporting spirit. I am grateful for the support of the board, technical committee and teammates who have provided full support to deal with the situation, seeking the appropriate resolution with the competent authorities.”