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Marcos Braz, vice-president of football at the club, traveled to Europe in search of possible reinforcements
During the Spanish Super Cup final, cameras captured the moment Ferrán Torres showed irritation at the Brazilian's provocations
Born in Dois Riachos, in Alagoas, the 37-year-old player continues to break barriers in the world of women's football
On social media, the top leader of world football thanked him for the gift and called the Brazilian star a “legend”
Before being dismissed from his position, Fernando Diniz had a say in the FIFA awards on behalf of Brazil
The meeting "will serve to reinforce the commitment against violence and racism in football," announced the Spanish federation
Defender was the scorer of the goal that gave the Brazilian team a draw, taking the decision to penalties with Brazil becoming champions of the competition in 2023
The only four-time world champion in history passed away on January 5th and left a legacy of passion for the Brazilian team
Voted the best in the world six times, Marta will name a new FIFA award, which will be given to the most beautiful goal in women's football
Arriving at the end of his contract next June, the Brazilian veteran does not yet know if he will extend the adventure with the Blues, Pochettino postponing the decision to the club
This transfer comes after only six months spent in Marseille, despite the player's declarations of his attachment to the club
Corinthians attacking midfielder is the player with the most games under the command of coach Ramon Menezes