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Alexsander and Andrey did not hide their sadness with the Brazilian National Team's campaign in the Pre-Olympic Tournament
The Seleção fell 1-0 in the Pre-Olympic Tournament and will not be able to defend the titles obtained in Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020
Across 943 games, Diego Souza played for several clubs, including Fluminense, Benfica, Flamengo, Grêmio, Palmeiras, São Paulo, Botafogo to list a few.
The veteran Chelsea defender spoke about the respect he receives in Europe and compared it to the fierce criticism of his compatriots towards him.
As of now, the Libra faction is quite the assembly, boasting 19 teams from across the nation. Each brings its own history, its own dreams, into the collective, united under the Libra banner.
Another Brazilian on the list is Arsenal's defender, Gabriel Magalhaes who has scored more goals than any other defender in the Premier League during this time.
The winter transfer window in Europe didn't make too much noise, but Brazil had several players involved
The squads shine with the names of former Ballon d’Or winners: Michael Owen, Kaka, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, and Fabio Cannavaro.
He talked about enjoying the overarching role of general management, a field he's keen to explore, though the right opportunity hasn't knocked on his door yet.
"I ended up not accepting for personal and family reasons. I was very grateful, but it wasn't the time. And it still isn't"
Brazil and Argentina decide on a place for the Paris Olympics in the last round of the Pre-Olympics, which will be on Sunday(11)
Real Madrid and Girona meet at the Santiago Bernabéu in a match that could be key to defining the championship.
The midfielder from Internacional (RS) opened the scoring for the Brazilian National Team in the 2-1 victory over Venezuela
The Brazilian star was present in Vila Belmiro for the clash against Corinthians and was full of praise for Peixe's “5”