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Watch at 4:30 pm today, Porto Velho-RO face off against Remo-PA and 8:00 pm, Nova Venécia-ES clash with Botafogo-SP.
The bottom team drew 1-1 against Granada in a key match to try to get out of the red zone of relegation in LaLiga.
The Argentine stayed by decision of Abel Ferreira and does not stop inflating nets in the Paulista Championship.
Barcelona is aiming to sell high, hoping to make a profit on the €58 million they invested in snatching him from Leeds United back in 2022.
This goal brings hope to the Brazilian who once found himself on the sidelines, his captain's armband passed to another.
Competition offers a million-dollar prize; the champion will pocket R$ 600 thousand and the runner-up will receive R$ 400 thousand
Duda converts a free-kick, and Brabas confirm favoritism at home; Cabulosas have two goals disallowed in the final
odrigo Caetano was announced as the director of national teams last Friday (16), and President Ednaldo Rodrigues will undergo a restructuring in the core
This season has been a success story for him, opening up the possibility for Fiorentina to make the deal permanent. However, there's a catch.
The Italian coach puts an end to speculation surrounding the sale of Brazilian defender Renan Lodi to Al-Hilal
With the First Phase on the books, everything's set for the next preliminary round of the Libertadores
According to a recent study by the CIES Football Observatory, Fluminense de Diniz stands out worldwide for the quality of its short passes.
Former center-forward is an idol of Flamengo and scored a fantastic goal that helped the Brazilian National Team win the 2004 Copa America
The delegation began to arrive in San Diego, United States, on Friday (16) to start preparations for the competition
The executive will take on the role leading the youth and professional teams of the Brazilian National Team
Argentina is sitting pretty at number one, with France (2nd), England (3rd), Belgium (4th), and Brazil (5th) right on their heels.