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2025 football season to start in Belém's Mangueirão Stadium, spotlighting the city's sporting significance.
The midfielder shared with the French press about the atmosphere at São Januário and the support of Vasco's fans
Former player of the Brazilian Women's National Team opened up to talk about what the dialogue was like with the Swedish coach
Killers of the Flower Moon, by Martin Scorsese, is one of the nominees for 'Best Picture' of the season
In Brazil, Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco proposed a bill to regulate AI use across all life aspects, expected for approval in April.
With their 27th win in a row, Al-Hilal matches the current global streak and stands just one victory from setting a new world record.
Trained in the Colorado youth system, the 23-year-old Brazilian midfielder is about to make his debut in the country located in Eastern Europe
The Brazilian forward also contributed to the first goal of the Azerbaijani team Qarabag against the Bundesliga leader
Teams will take the field this Sunday (10), at 9:15 pm (Brasília time), at Snapdragon Stadium in San Diego (CA)