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The former Madrid recruiter questions Vinicius' level and advocates for the arrival of the Georgian revelation from Naples
The Swiss educational entity has published a recent study highlighting Savio as one of the best young wingers in the world
In 2004, the Seleção played a friendly in the Caribbean country as part of an initiative to try to contribute to the end of violence.
Injuries sideline key players as Brazil faces crucial matches without Arsenal and Manchester City stars.
After Al Hilal's historic achievement of 28 consecutive wins, Jesus expresses pride but prioritizes winning championships over setting records.
Newcastle is studying the possibility of becoming a multi-club organization, similar to Manchester City with the City Group
The Vasco player was called up to the Brazilian National Team last Monday (11), replacing the injured Ederson
The legendary Brazilian forward with a history at Real Madrid gave his blessing to the possible arrival of the Frenchman at the Santiago Bernabéu
Due to Martinelli's injury, Dorival Júnior called up Wenderson Galeno, an attacker in good form at Porto
Athletico coach promises actions and to be an active voice in the fight against violence towards women
Runner-up in the Copa Ouro had several positive aspects; Brazil finishes the competition with five wins and only one loss