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The Barcelona Court agreed to the provisional release of the former Brazilian footballer on a bail of one million euros.
The footballer will be free while the appeals for his sentence to nine and a half years in prison for rape are analyzed.
Midfielder's loan spell in Florence ends over financial hurdles, with discussions for a potential move still on the table.
Brazil will face England at Wembley on Saturday (23); then, they will face Spain in Madrid on the 26th
Only Bremer was spared from training on Tuesday (19) at Arsenal's training center. The friendly match on Saturday (23) marks the debut of the new coach
In an interview with CBF TV, the specialist in cognitive emotional therapy, Marisa Santiago, explains how she will work with the players called up by Dorival Júnior
Despite his contract with Al Hilal, the Brazilian club believes it will be able to repatriate its star trained at the club in the coming years.
After a difficult start and a training loan, the Brazilian wants to take advantage of the new chance that Gasset offers him to finally launch his Marseille career.
Brazil responds to economic pressure by launching investigations into the surge of cheap Chinese imports.
Manchester United advances to the semi-finals after a breathtaking victory against Liverpool in extra time.
After four seasons of loyal service, the 39-year-old Brazilian defender will leave the London club this summer, paying the price for his physical decline