Our news is grouped into categories to provide you with unique, high-quality, and diverse content. We cover the most relevant topics in Brazilian and international football for you. Clicking on the right category is the first step towards good reading.
The Brazilian goalkeeper is "much better," said Pep Guardiola ahead of the duel against the Premier League leader.
Striker sees the state championship as his last opportunity to play in a final for Verdão before moving to Real Madrid
Athlete revealed he followed Brazil's games while away and that his biggest goal was always to return
Dorival: “The Brazilian National Team had a warrior spirit and returns home with a positive outcome”
Coach assesses Brazil's two games against England and Spain
In search of a new technically skilled and experienced left-back, the Turin club has reportedly made the Porto defender their priority for the upcoming season
The Brazilian must appear weekly before the court after being granted provisional release in the rape case for which he was sentenced
The former Manchester City midfielder was vehemently angry at what happened in the Paranaense Championship match.
The palm tree that gives a unique feature to its visiting stand was attacked by a pest and is difficult to save.
With nine yellow cards to his name, Guimarães plays on thin ice, a single caution away from suspension.
Mauricio "Mao" Molina was the one who left the field for the Brazilian to make his professional debut
After the match between Spain and Brazil, the Catalan team published a tweet that sparked controversy among Real Madrid fans