Our news is grouped into categories to provide you with unique, high-quality, and diverse content. We cover the most relevant topics in Brazilian and international football for you. Clicking on the right category is the first step towards good reading.
The English club is already sounding out the young gem from Verdão's academy, showing a real interest in recruiting him for their project
In a recent interview, the young star of Barça talked about the influence of Neymar on his growing football career
A win, three defeats, and three draws for the Brazilian teams at the beginning of the group stage of the continental tournament
The CBF has confirmed dates and times for the first nine rounds of the 2024 Brazilian Serie A season
The Brazilian had attracted the interest of another powerhouse from the Old Continent as he rose through the ranks at Peixe
Douglas Luiz cements his role as Aston Villa's key midfielder and among the top scorers this season.
The midfielder of the national team will face another challenge against Canada this Saturday (6), at 4:30 PM (Brasília time)
The team from Rio Grande do Sul has a history filled with achievements in the Brazilian, South American, and global football scenes
After winning four titles in three youth categories in Asia, the Brazilian coach solidifies his position for the 2024 season
Author of one of the most emblematic goals for the Brazilian National Team in World Cups, the former left-back celebrates another year of life this Thursday (4)
The two big Milan clubs have set their sights on Bento, a promising 24-year-old goalkeeper playing in Brazil, to strengthen their defense in the years to come.