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The 17-year-old Brazilian prodigy offers a new trophy to his training club thanks to a decisive performance in the final, just a few months before his historic transfer.
Palmeiras' coach Abel Ferreira ties for most titles in club history after recent Paulistão cup victory.
The Brazilian team was defeated by the Canadians on penalties at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta and now faces Japan for third place in the competition
The cartoonist and writer from Minas Gerais created a series of historical characters and was passionate about football
The Bolivian striker will say goodbye in the Mineiro Championship final between Cruzeiro and Atlético Mineiro.
The national team goalkeeper was sidelined after tearing the anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee
The national team will take on the Canadian team this Saturday (6) at 4:30 PM (Brasília time) at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, USA
Cruzeiro, at the time led by Marcelo Oliveira, featured Everton Ribeiro, Ricardo Goulart, Dagoberto, and company
According to betting sites, teams like Flamengo and Palmeiras once again appear in the race for the trophy