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The Swiss investigative body has highlighted the value potential of these three pearls of Brazilian football
Both the home and away shirts feature watermark designs with the silhouette of the stadium, as well as details on the sides and sleeves
Former player, with stints at Porto, Corinthians, Fluminense, and Vasco, faces legal action for disturbance in condominium
Santos FC partners with Umbro to launch innovative kits that pay homage to their home ground, Vila Belmiro.
São Paulo has nearly 10 players in the medical department, and as a result, the coach has not been able to field a consistent lineup with his starters
Twice world champion and Libertadores winner, the club from Vila Belmiro has produced great football stars, including the greatest of all: Pelé
Former defender Lino, known for his dramatic last-minute goal, passes away suddenly from a heart attack.
Ancelotti surprised with this tactical modification in the Champions League match against Manchester City.
John Textor delivers documents alleging manipulation in the last two Brazilian Championship titles, sparking a major investigation.
Facing a delicate balance, Guimarães aims to steer clear of a costly yellow card in the Newcastle - Tottenham Premier League encounter.