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The Swedish coach passed away at the age of 76 after a career of more than 40 years on the sidelines
The Brazilian from Al-Hilal reportedly offered his services, but the Barça coach has made a decision
While the coach is expected to be discharged on Saturday, he won't be returning to duties immediately.
Mangueirão Stadium in Belém joins list of venues for the historic tournament set to be the first in South America.
The Seleção will play Ecuador in Curitiba on September 6, and four days later against Paraguay in Asunción.
More than 48 South American channels have acquired the rights to broadcast the Saudi championship after the arrival of the Brazilian superstar
Moved by the viral video of a child in tears after receiving his Puma shoes, the player conducts his own investigation to meet him
Club swiftly identifies and penalizes guardian of minor responsible for racist gestures during match.
With their Libertadores and Copa do Brasil campaigns now over, Palmeiras' focus shifts entirely to the Brasileirão.
Club promises strict action against fan who exposed himself at Copa Libertadores game, ensuring safety and respect at events.