Our news is grouped into categories to provide you with unique, high-quality, and diverse content. We cover the most relevant topics in Brazilian and international football for you. Clicking on the right category is the first step towards good reading.
The national knockout competition saw the entry of the main teams in the current stage of the competition
The team from Santa Catarina thrashed their opponent 4-0 last Saturday in the Brazilian Championship
Estêvão scored the goal that gave Verdão the victory against Botafogo-SP, in the first leg of the third phase of the Copa do Brasil
Due to non-payment of past transfers, Santos could receive a new transfer ban from FIFA, the third in 2024.
Impressed by the German's performance against Bayern, the young Brazilian praises his teammate and role model.
Cuiabá has joined the latest trend in Brazilian football of hiring Portuguese coaches. The club, which competes in the Brasileirão and the Copa Sudamericana, has officially hired Armando Gonçalves Teixeira
The Argentine coach of São Paulo, Luis Zubeldía, has called up this gem for tonight's match against Águia de Marabá in the Copa do Brasil
The organization was born six months after the driver's death to keep his legacy of transformation through education alive
Brazilian defender from CSKA will reach an important milestone in the Russian Cup clash this Thursday
Flamengo faces Bragantino next in the Brazilian Championship without several key players due to injuries.
The forward returned to the playing fields in the narrow victory against Amazonas for the Brazilian Cup.
Thirty years after his tragic passing, Netflix released the trailer for a six-episode series that will recount the ups and downs and rise of the Brazilian icon
With the 2024-25 season approaching, whether Jesus will remain at the Emirates remains a topic of speculation and interest.
The nephew of the Brazilian pilot remembers his family profile on the 30th anniversary of his death.
The former Parisian defender and manager analyzes the changes within the club which now allow it to aim for success on the European scene.
This Tuesday, São Januário woke up graffitied with messages calling for the immediate departure of 777 Partners. The club deleted the messages, but the discontent is still present.