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The Paris Saint-Germain player has been on the national team for more than ten years and has 114 call-ups and 84 games wearing the Yellow jersey
Argentina opens the competition against Canada, at 9pm (Brasília time); Brazil debuts against Costa Rica, on Monday (20)
A user on X created a debate on which players born outside Brazil actually represent the country's trademark style of play
In the Copa América played in Venezuela, Brazil overcame adversities and achieved eternal glory against its eternal rival
Emerson's father, Zulu, also implicated, accuses Cury of using the media to smear his son's image with these claims.
Hulk was sent off for protesting to the referee in the recent 4-0 defeat to Palmeiras, marking his 26th booking for dissent.
Approaching 100 matches with Fogão, the striker talks about the tough time he had not being able to return to the club after his loan period.
Goalkeeper opens up about early career mistakes and future prospects ahead of his return to Brazilian club.
In an interview, the captain of the National Team talked about various aspects of his career, such as the future and the responsibilities he carries
This Thursday (20th), Messi's Argentina will make their debut in the Copa América against Canada, and their captain left interesting statements in a press conference
Arsenal player turned 23 years old on Tuesday (18th); the date was celebrated by athletes and members of the coaching staff at dinner
The Portuguese national team won 2-1 against the Czech Republic with a last-minute goal by Francisco Conceição, the son of former footballer and coach Sérgio Conceição