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The coach arrived at the stadium with the iconic jacket model that Old Wolf visited in the 1998 World Cup.
On the way to the stadium, the star was involved in a situation that quickly went viral on the internet.
Tite's team triumphed 1-0 in the Carioca derby, took the lead, and left Fernando Diniz's side in the last position.
The Seleção faces Costa Rica at the start of the action in Group D, which also includes Colombia and Paraguay.
Fluminense coach criticizes officiating after a controversial penalty decision secures a 1-0 victory for league leaders Flamengo.
Militão and Arana will strengthen the team against Costa Rica this Monday at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles.
According to data from the CIES Football Observatory, the Brazilian club with the most followers comes close to the figures of several titans of European football.
The Newcastle player was one of the standouts of the Premier League; Brazil debuts this Monday (24) against Costa Rica in the continental competition
Under the leadership of the Brazilian, Albania fell into Group E of the Qualifying Rounds of the competition