Our news is grouped into categories to provide you with unique, high-quality, and diverse content. We cover the most relevant topics in Brazilian and international football for you. Clicking on the right category is the first step towards good reading.
The next commitment of the National Team is against Colombia on Tuesday (2); the game will define the top spot in the group
The world's largest youth tournament, IberCup celebrates 15 years of existence and will be played in Rio and São Paulo this July
The future Real Madrid star competes in value with a Spanish pearl from Barça and a versatile midfielder from PSG.
On June 29, 1958, Brazil raised its first trophy at the World Cup after a 5-2 victory against Sweden
The Real Madrid forward had not scored since the friendly match in June 2023; the young player from Girona scored the second goal of the game and his first with the Seleção
The absolute leader of Group C and the sensation team of Group B are, in turn, the two squads with the most players who play in Brazilian football.
The National Team will face Paraguay this Friday (28) in Las Vegas, for the second round of the continental competition