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A law was enacted that establishes a tribute to O Rei (The King, referring to Pelé) every November 19th
The Brazilian team will carry out the preparation at Granja Comary, in Teresópolis, and then will head to Bordeaux, the venue for the first match against Nigeria
The coach did not agree with the second yellow card received by the forward, who will be out of the national team on Saturday (6)
Nine footballers who play in Brazilian football are no longer participating in the 2024 Copa América
The organization admitted that the refereeing made a mistake by not awarding a penalty in favor of Vinicius Junior
Thales was defending PSS Sleman and will now wear the jersey of Arema FC, also from the Indonesian first division
Liverpool's goalkeeper was a starter in the last two World Cups and has 96 call-ups to defend the Brazilian National Team
World champion in 1994, the current goalkeeper coach returned to the Stanford University stadium; There, Brazil won three matches in the 1994 World Cup
Coach Arthur Elias announced the athletes who will represent the team in the international competition
Levi's Stadium, located in California, will be the venue for the match that concludes the Copa América group stage
Tite’s team defeated Cruzeiro and took advantage of Bahia’s loss to look down on everyone from the top spot alone
Real Madrid moves quickly in the market and presents Mbappé and Endrick as new signings for the Spanish squad