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In the 79 matches, there are 38 wins for the Amarelinha; the teams take the field this Saturday (6), at 10pm (Brasilia time), in Las Vegas
The 17-year-old striker will be the replacement for Vinicius Junior, who is serving a suspension; The game in Las Vegas will be at 10pm (Brasilia time) this Saturday (6)
Paulinho’s interest in management was further nurtured during a recent visit to Thiago Scuro, the CEO of Monaco.
The research found no significant difference in the risk of ACL injury for male players on different field surfaces
Fulham player made history for the National Team last month by being the first athlete born outside Brazil to score a goal for the Seleção
The players called up by Arthur Elias for the Paris Olympics are gradually gathering at Granja Comary
After Tite's 81 games in charge of the Seleção, the national team has struggled to find stability in the dugout.
The forward made his debut in net as a player for the Rio team in the away win over Atlético Mineiro.
Athlete posted on Instagram the moment of his consecration alongside his wife, Larissa Pereira, last Sunday
Palmeiras came close to an agreement with Gabigol, after offering a salary of over R$ 2 million per month and a five-year contract