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Unexpected wind carries police tear gas into stadium, affecting players and fans during Brasileiro Série C game.
A thoughtful decision to enjoy an exceptional living environment in one of Rio's most exclusive neighborhoods.
Athlete is free in the market since June 24, when he ended his contract with Adana Demirspor, Turkey
Midfielder returns to Cruzmaltino 14 years later and will be the new number 11 jersey for the 2024 season
The duo have 33 points, but are closely followed by Flamengo and Bahia; the 17th round starts this Saturday (13)
"Stop imitating Neymar and focus on your own game" how the former defender of the French team guided Mbappé during the 2018 World Cup
Dorival Júnior counts on the return of his star to revitalize the game of the Brazilian national team.
The fans of FC Barcelona noticed the presence of Mazinho's son in a recent video published on the club's social media
In his official presentation with Vasco da Gama, Coutinho revealed the personal and collective goals he has set for the Carioca team