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The action is part of the partnership between the Christ the Redeemer Archdiocesan Sanctuary and the entity; special lighting will be turned on at 7:30 pm
CBF congratulates the champions of the 1994 World Cup, who placed the fourth star on the Seleção's jersey
The striker returned to the field against Pohang Steelers, in the K-League, and now will have a "decision" in the quarterfinals of the Korean Cup
The event will take place at the CBF auditorium at 2pm and will be broadcast on the CBF TV YouTube channel
A total of 16 teams, four of them Brazilian, will seek to secure a spot for the round of 16 of the continental tournament
The Argentine makes his debut as manager of the São Paulo club, with the immediate goal of taking it out of the relegation zone
The Brazilian forward was behind several athletes from other disciplines such as mixed martial arts and baseball
Coach is satisfied with the response of the athletes in this training period in Teresópolis that ends on Tuesday (16)
Goalkeeper is one of the references of the Brazilian National Team in the dispute of the Paris Olympic Games
Forward trains with dedication in Teresópolis; The National Team travels to France on Wednesday (17)