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The Brazilian star has shortened his vacation to travel to Madrid and will sign his contract on the 21st.
Gabriel Leone stars as the iconic Brazilian racer in a series exploring both his professional feats and personal life.
Corinthians abandons the signing of the Italian forward, citing high costs and technical recommendations
The midfielder attracts 12,000 new members, and the Gigante da Colina expects to surpass 50,000 by Sunday (21)
The draw was made for the 16 teams that remain in the most federal and inclusive championship in the country.
The Glorious team defeated Palmeiras 1-0 at Nilton Santos; Cruzeiro, Vasco, and Fortaleza are on an unbeaten streak
The Brazilian team earned a valuable draw in their visit to Chile in the Copa Sudamericana playoff match.
Coach Arthur Elias and his assistants will visit the Bordeaux stadium in the late afternoon, which will host Brazil's debut in the Olympic tournament on the 25th
In his first speech since his arrival at Real Madrid, the French striker pledged to help the adaptation of the young talent announced in the Spanish capital.
Spain was the national team that gained the most positions in the top 10 thanks to their winning of the Euros
As Neymar recovers from knee surgery, his absence leaves a noticeable gap in Brazil's lineup, despite his club's successes.