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The player's life away from the pitch has been marred by a consistent bout of injuries and an alarming scarcity of game time
The Brazilian star of Real Madrid does not forget his beginnings and dreams of paying tribute to the Carioca club
The Arsenal player is now a good option for defense as the Real Madrid player is recovering from injury
Describing Chú as a true winger who can penetrate the opposition's defence, midfielder Cristian Roldan highlights the qualities that set him apart
This achievement stands as the third major coaching experience for the Brazilian coach, following prior tenures at Olympique Lyon and Corinthians
This marked Ronaldinho's maiden voyage to the city that breathes, lives, and dreams football – Kolkata
The COAF report is a pivotal piece of evidence, lending significant weight to the case against Ronaldinho and his brother in Brazil
This meeting, scheduled for the forthcoming Monday, will serve as an invaluable forum for them to discuss the immediate future
Curiously, the first goal in the veteran forward's career was at the Boca Juniors stadium, Fluminense's rival in the grand final of the 2023 Copa Libertadores
Up to 100,000 Boca fans expected in Rio to support their team in the Copa Libertadores final against Fluminense
Barcelona also owes sums to other clubs such as Bayern Munich for Lewandowski, Manchester City for Ferrán Torres, and Sevilla for Koundé