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The Brazilian coach believes that the number of teams participating in the Fiesta Grande in Mexican soccer is excessive
Arteta acknowledged the significance of Martinelli's performance, praising not only his offensive prowess but also his defensive commitment.
For Bremer, being called up to the Brazilian national team, marks his second inclusion on Fernando Diniz's list.
Firmino gives us an insight into the point of view of a player and team, winning the English Premier League title in an empty stadium.
The Tottenham forward has confirmed to ESPN that he will undergo surgery to undergo public bone surgery due to a possible fracture in the pelvis
The Fluminense left back has rekindled the flames of the debate: Does Germán Cano deserve to be called up for Argentina?
Coach Ramon Menezes called 23 athletes for the last phase of preparation before the Pre-Olympic competition in January
The Real Madrid coach defended the Brazilian after the former Barcelona captain gave his opinion on his attitude
His next challenge unfolds on Wednesday, an away clash against Flamengo, as he seeks a third title this season, this time in the Brazilian League
These distressing events transpired during the night of December 30 to 31, 2022, within the confines of Sutton, a nightclub in Barcelona
Coach Diniz combined renewal with experience on the squad list to face Colombia and Argentina in the Qualifiers