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The ex Flamengo’s defensive midfielder Fabinho has signed a contract with the team of the trainer Wanderley Luxemburgo until 31st december 2004. Fabinho has played this year for Shimizu Pulse in Japan.
Rodrigo Ferrante Taddei, Siena’s Brazilian midfielder, wants to join As Roma. He is under contract at his actual club until 2005. He had some offers in Italy and abroad, but he said he would leave Siena only to reach As Roma. Taddei played a very good season at Siena (27 games and 8 goals). One […]
Paraguay beats Brazil 2-1 (half-time: 1-1) in the ultimate group C round of the Copa America, played Wednesday in Arequipa (Peru). Paraguay finishes with the first place of the Group C, in which Brasil and Costa Rica are also qualified for the quarters-final. Luis Fabiano (São Paulo FC) has scored the only goal of the […]
Date of birth: 25th of September, 1973 in Sao Paulo He’s not so nice to see. He hasn’t elegance and style, but he’s a good defender. He’s got the sense of the position in the field. In this years he got the nickname of “globetrotter” because he played in various countries: Brazil of course (Portuguesa), […]
Mario Jardel. Date of birth: 18th of September, 1973 in Fortaleza Newspapers and televisions were very surprised when Ermanno Pieroni, the owner of Ancona, announced in January the signing of Jardel. Italian people remembered this forward for his strength and his killer-instinct. He scored important goals in Champions League against AC Milan when he played […]
Fabio Bilica. Date of birth: 4th of January, 1979 in Campo Grande Fabio Bilica is one of the hardest defender in the Italian League. He doesn’t care about the style. His only objective is to stop the opposite forwards. He looks like a “marine” soldier with his skinhead shining in the field. He hasn’t a […]
He incredibly sign for Ukrainian side Shakhtar Donetsk after a very good season with Brescia. His president Gino Corioni got 14 million euros from the deal: he couldn’t say no. Matuzalem sign a 5-year-contract: he will earn 1,2 million euros a year. The Italian big clubs lost a great opportunity. Matuzalem is a very good […]
First the appendices of the Olimpico Stadium, Next the Seleção Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, known as “Ronaldinho Gaúcho”, was born in March 21st, 1980 in Porto Alegre. He’s grown playing with the round ball, in a family that have always considered the football as a true passion. His mother was a nurse while his father […]
Interview of Rai ! [photo=rai.jpg id=24 align=left] [clear] How was your redeployemment after your footballistic carrier? I’ve had already an important pending project: The creation of the Gol de Letra foundation, with Leonardo, with the aim of helping children who live in favelas. Because of that, I’ve been making some publicites and I’m currently working […]
Alex Dias interview [photo=alex_dias.jpg id=19 align=left]– Which are your objectives for 2004? I’m hopefull! I had been playing in a french club called St Etienne and I came to Cruzeiro the last year. Here I have won the brazilian league despite the fact I have played just a few games. Nowadays, for the beginning of […]