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The goal against Goiás a few seconds before the end of the match allowed the Belo Horizonte team to leave the red zone.
In an attempt to pay homage to the plane crash victims, a strikingly large aluminum replica of the ill-fated plane was erected near the city center, adjacent to the church.
Alisson's clean sheet ratio of 31% is a testament to his goalkeeping excellence, as he has denied opposing teams the thrill of a goal in 4 out of the 13 matches played
The future Real Madrid striker attacked the defender with a strong blow in the match that ended with a 2-2 draw and he did not even see a yellow card
Heartbreaking footage reveals the pain endured by the Brazilian star in his struggle to return to the field after his cruciate ligament injury
The Riviera club won 1-0 against Toulouse on the 13th day of Ligue 1, thanks in particular to the performance of its Brazilian defender
The euphoria of reaching Serie A for Juventude tarnished by a regrettable slip-up by Nenê in the stands
Brazil will have two friendlies against Japan and one against Nicaragua; The first will be on Thursday (30), at Neo Química Arena
After his outstanding performance in the Merengue victory, the Brazilian attacker admitted that he did not expect to be in the game
The Brazilian did not go around describing how complex it was to play for the Eagles as a rival coach.
Information on PSG's official website revealed Marquinhos is diligently adhering to a personalized recovery program.
The brand new winner of the Samba Gold 2023 is the fastest footballer in the Spanish league, averaging up to 36 km/h maximum speed
Plagued by a lingering muscle injury since September, the veteran has been sidelined for almost three months, a stark contrast to his former role
Newcastle beat Chelsea 4-1 in the Premier League, whereas Brazil was defeated by 1-0 at the Maracanã
The team won 2-1 against Coritiba on Saturday (25) and is on 7th place of the Brasileirão after conquering Copa Libertadores