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The Catalan media Sport assures that the culé team hopes to receive Vitor Roque in mid-December and that his debut could take place in January against Las Palmas
Brazil triumphed 4-3 over the Japanese. Teams will meet again this Sunday (3), at 11am, at Morumbi Stadium
Buoyed by his 11 goals, the Serbian striker has established himself as the offensive pillar of the Saudi Arabian champions. He will have to confirm his great form this evening against Ronaldo and Al Nassr
The Grêmio coach has confirmed that Luis Suárez will leave the club in the coming weeks, claiming that his absence will be painful for the squad
Verdão depend on themselves to achieve the back-to-back championship, but they could anticipate the celebration if a series of results occur on Matchday 37
The upcoming winter might bring further opportunities for Gourvennec to enhance his squad's strength.
Fulham needs to fortify its midfield with a new defensive maestro, and Andre might just be that man.
The Porto Alegre team won 2-1 at home, remaining in the fight for the title and qualifying for the Copa Libertadores.
In revealing her discussions with the Brazilian footballer, she sadly noted the "irreparable" nature of the harm inflicted upon her.
The Brazilian striker scored the goal in the 1-0 victory against AEK Athens. With the victory, the seagulls are already in the next round
The Hammers managed to consolidate themselves as leaders of Group A with an important 0-1 victory against FK TSC
Internacional striker secured victory in his first match for the Brazilian team; Arthur Elias' team returns to the field on Sunday against Japan (3), at 11am
Cunha stands firm on the belief that the team must elevate their game to prevent wrongful referee decisions during matches.
The São Paulo team beat the already relegated América Mineiro 4-0 and took three points ahead of their pursuers.