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Back in training after two months of injury, the Brazilian midfielder would be a good addition for the clash against Bayern Munich in the Champions League
The number that O Rei wore will not be used in the second division, announced the president of the club that has just been relegated for the first time.
"There is a commitment to sell," said Demichelis regarding the possibility of a sale of the Uruguayan midfielder.
The new president explained that the decision regarding the new coach would be entrusted to transition teams who will examine existing contracts
Recall that despite his undeniable success, Ferreira openly acknowledged the taxing toll on his health, both physically and mentally, just a month ago
In a big interview with The Guardian, the player and his father spoke about joining the Blues before Real Madrid's approach
After achieving the two-time championship, Verdão added one more success this year, which is accompanied by a good monetary figure
The Brazilian returned to convert three months ago into a 4-1 record that allowed the London team to reacquaint themselves with their triumph
The Spaniard criticized the leaders of his former team after his small stint in Brazil and praised Endrick
The Brazilians and Argentines could only meet in the continental event in the final of the tournament, which will be played on July 14 in Miami
The Uruguayan legend of FC Barcelona, who rubs shoulders with the young Brazilian prodigy in the Brazilian championship, is full of praise for the precocious talent of the 17-year-old player