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The London team would be closely following the situation of the Peixe striker and various media outlets claim that there would already be a formal proposal for him
The club's numbers are closed to hire the Uruguayan striker, although there is still no decision made
While rumors are growing in Brazil, Lucas Perri and Adryelson seem set to join Lyon in January, following in the footsteps of Jeffinho and O'Brien
The Brazilian legend prefers to serve the capital's second club despite his glorious past with Paris Saint-Germain
The French star confirmed he doesn't see himself playing in Brazil, but would consider being Filipe Luis's assistant when he begins his career. coach
"I want to be in the final, first of all. To be honest, I don’t want to play against Man City" - Fabinho
Pedrinho, a 20-year-old maestro, started his career with the revered CR Flamengo youth ranks at the tender age of 9.
In October 2023, Bruno Guimaraes signed a 5-year contract extension with Newcastle but he might be contemplating leaving the club
São Paulo was chosen to host the first official match of the American Football League outside of South America
Although it seems like an impossible dream, the possible return of 'Cou' to his training club is actively discussed in the Rio club.
The Brussels club appreciates the services of Welton, player of Levski Sofia, and could try to recruit him from the winter transfer window to strengthen its left lane
Despite a modest tally of three league goals in nearly half a season, Richarlison's recent performance against Newcastle might indicate a comeback
Disgruntled fans expressed their frustration, questioning the Brazilian's contribution and berating his ballwork.