Former Flamengo player has house robbed in Greece

Rodinei left Flamengo in the beginning of the year to join Olympiacos
2023-06-23 14:42:07

Former Flamengo player Rodinei was recently the victim of a burglary at his home in Greece which left him without a passport. While enjoying his vacation with his family on the country’s coast, thieves broke into his home to steal valuables, including important documents.

The player, his wife and their children now find themselves without a passport, preventing them from leaving the country.


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This burglary took place on dawn of Sunday. Rodinei returned home later on the day. Immediately after the discovery of the break-in, the side contacted the authorities who carried out a thorough investigation and recovered footage from surveillance cameras. The thieves have not yet been identified.

The Brazilian player is unable to estimate the amount of losses suffered, but he found that the safe had been removed with the help of a crowbar used to force open a window. In addition to personal items, clothing and jewelry were also stolen.

Rodinei’s main concern now is to make the necessary arrangements to obtain new passports, in order to be able to join his club for the pre-season. His wife and children are also awaiting their travel documents.

Football players targeted in Greece

This is not the first time that a football player has been the victim of such a crime in Greece. Two years ago, Brazilian full-back Rafinha faced a similar situation while playing for the same club.

Last year, Portuguese midfielder William Carvalho of Betis was also the victim of a burglary while on holiday in Mykonos. In 2020, Portuguese midfielder Cafú, who also played for Olympiacos, had his house broken into while playing a match against Asteras on the first day of the Greek championship.