Flamengo’s U-17 goalkeeper fights cancer, but won’t give up on football

To ensure a full recovery, Raphael had to undergo chemotherapy, a challenging but necessary step in his journey to reclaim his health
Desmond Efe-Khaese
2023-11-01 11:13:18

At just 17 years old, Flamengo’s talented goalkeeper, Raphael Nunes, faced a formidable adversary in the form of a testicular tumor. Unwavering in his pursuit of a professional soccer career, Raphael embarked on a journey that would test his resilience both on and off the field.


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How it began in a training session

It was July, following an under-18 tournament held in Croatia and the Czech Republic. During a routine training session just before the tournament, Raphael took a hit in the sensitive area. Brushing it off as a typical occurrence for a goalkeeper, he soldiered on, with the pain soon subsiding. However, while in Croatia, the discomfort resurfaced, and a concerning swelling prompted him to seek medical attention from Flamengo’s medical team.

Upon returning to Rio de Janeiro, Raphael underwent some tests with the club’s doctors diligently coordinating his care. It was during these tests that the shocking diagnosis of a tumor was revealed, necessitating immediate surgery. Although the surgical procedure successfully removed the tumor, some remnants had infiltrated his bloodstream, afflicting his abdomen and lungs. To ensure a full recovery, Raphael had to undergo chemotherapy, a challenging but necessary step in his journey to reclaim his health.

Love and support for Raphael Nunes

Throughout this trying period, Flamengo’s unwavering support became Raphael’s cornerstone. The club’s medical department ensured he received regular check-ups, monitoring his progress and recovery. Raphael gratefully acknowledged their unswerving assistance.

In the face of the grueling chemotherapy, Raphael remained remarkably composed and resilient, providing solace to his family. Although he experienced some initial nausea during the first session, medication alleviated this discomfort. The support from Khauan, Lucas, and their families, as well as the outpouring of encouragement from his city, family, and friends, buoyed his spirits.

The arduous chemotherapy sessions commenced in October and are set to continue until December, interspersed with brief reprieves. During this time, Raphael displayed remarkable courage by shaving his head, a gesture of resilience. His friend Khauan Schlickman and teammate Lucas joined him in this symbolic act. Their solidarity extended beyond the football pitch, as even Raphael’s father, Gustavo, and friends from his hometown, Campos dos Goytacazes, showed their support by shaving their heads as well.

Samba Gold 2023: Open voting!

Voting for the Samba Gold Award 2023 is now open. Choose your favorite in the men’s, women’s and under-20 categories!