Della Monica, work and discipline to manage Palmeiras

Della Monica, work and discipline to manage Palmeiras How do you feel the club as evolved since you assumed the Presidency? And what are your objectives for the future? [photo=dellamonica.jpg id=81 align=right]Della Monica The club continues in its normal rhythm, financially its accounts are in perfect balance. Since I assumed the presidency I have […]
2005-10-27 03:00:00

Della Monica, work and discipline to manage Palmeiras

How do you feel the club as evolved since you assumed the Presidency? And what are your objectives for the future?

[photo=dellamonica.jpg id=81 align=right]Della Monica

The club continues in its normal rhythm, financially its accounts are in perfect balance. Since I assumed the presidency I have the objective to make the club as professionally ran as possible, keep the financial balance of the club, to increase our support, to keep the representation of the Esportiva Society Palmeiras together with federal, municipal and state games, also to restart some amateur sport teams since the Palmeiras always were one of the biggest sports clubs in Latin America, and of course to plan for the future.

Palmeiras have lost some important players over the years. Are these losses justified by financial necessities?

Della Monica

I cannot say that Palmeiras have lost important players. The question is that all the important players of Brazil, not only of Palmeiras but all clubs, are attracted by foreign teams. The players are leaving because the wages that they receive in Europe are far superior to that which they can expect to receive here. Palmeiras, like all clubs has had some of its players leave for clubs in Europe, but at the same time we always buy other great players. Unlike some teams we always try to replace the players who we have sold.

What is your opinion on the arrival of MSI at Corinthians?

Della Monica

I prefer not to intervene with this issue because this is a subject for Corinthians. Each club has its own financial circumstance and procedures. This is a difficult question for me to answer. I prefer not to discuss any details because this is a privative subject for Corinthians that we, as brothers, respect.

Explain to us the culture of the Verdão?

Della Monica

Palmeiras were born as ‘Palestra Itália’ on the 26th of August, 1914. It was at the time of the Second World War, in 1942, that we changed the name of the club to Esportiva Society Palmeiras. Since the time of the Palestra Itália, Palmeiras was always a winning team. The club already gained some titles: 21 São Paulo championships, 4 Brazilian Championships, 5 matches River – São Paulo and also the Guerra Mundial that was carried through in 1951 and considered for many as the first world-wide championship Inter-clubs. Palmeiras have tradition, history and pride of being a winning club, having been recently considered for the team of the century as we are the Brazilian club with more titles conquered, not only in the nation but also internationally.

What still remains of the Italian influence at the club?

Della Monica

Much, because the majority of our supporters are Italian or descending from Italians. In 1912 and 1913 two Italian teams came on a tour of São Paulo, it enchanted the Italians who lived here at the time, and it was from there that they started to meet, to play which led to the creation of the club. The Italian origin has existed since its foundation. Today we have supporters of all nationalities, but the majority is still basically Italian.

Why is it that Brazilian Presidents seem to fire the most coaches in the world?

Della Monica

That is a tradition in Brazilian soccer, since we all know that soccer depends on results. Perhaps the behaviour and culture of the Brazilians are different from culture of the Europeans. The European, being colder, more calculating, patient and more balanced, accept without difficulty bad results, while the Latin Americans always want results immediately. If the team has some negative results, fans and Presidents start to put pressure on the team and if the situation remains we have no choice but to change coach.

Recommended links:

The Palmeiras card

Parque Antártica: the Verdão stadium

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