Sampaio Corrêa RJ
Sampaio Corrêa RJ
15 Mar11:00h
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Sampaio Corrêa RJ
Sampaio Corrêa RJ

Game Analysis


Sampaio Corrêa RJ x Madureira 15-03-2025 Carioca - 1

Summary and Highlights

Sampaio Corrêa RJ defeated Madureira by a score of 4 to 2 in Carioca - 1. Check out the highlights, statistics and other information from the match.

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Interesting Facts

  • The most common result in matches between Sampaio Corrêa RJ and Madureira when Sampaio Corrêa RJ plays at home is 2-1.
  • The most common result in matches between Sampaio Corrêa RJ and Madureira is 1-2. 1.
  • During the last 3 games, Sampaio Corrêa RJ won 3 times, there were 0 draws and Madureira won 0 times.
  • Sampaio Corrêa RJ's last home win against Madureira was in 2024.
  • Did you know that Sampaio Corrêa RJ scores 25% of their goals between 81-90 minutes?
  • Did you know that Madureira scores 17% of their goals between 61-70 minutes?
  • In Carioca - 1, Sampaio Corrêa RJ has a better performance than Madureira.
  • Both teams won their last game.
  • Both teams have scored goals in their last games.


Sampaio Corrêa RJ

  • Coach: Alfredo Sampaio
  • Formation: 4-5-1
  • Lineup:
    • Goalkeeper: José Carlos Miranda
    • Defender: Guilherme dos Santos Souza, Lucas Carvalho da Silva, Lucas Araújo de Souza
    • Midfield: Luan de Figueiredo Gular da Gama, Pablo da Silva Inácio, Daniel Nunes Ribeiro, Alexandre Souza
    • Forward: Elias Constantino Pereira Filho, Octávio Cruz Manhães, Max
    • Substitute: Diogo Luiz Huber, Daniel Vançan, Anderson Penna Fernandez Ventura, Elenilson Santos Moreira, Ryan Silva, Rodrigo Corrêa Dantas, Rafael de Souza Rodolfo, Gabriel de Oliveira Dionisio, Matheus Felipe Camargo Iacovelli, Igor Leandro Goularte do Nascimento, Vinícius Kanu


  • Coach: Daniel Neri
  • Formation: 4-3-1-2
  • Lineup:
    • Goalkeeper: Willis Mota Moreira
    • Defender: Caio Felipe dos Santos Silva, Celsonil Santos de Macedo Júnior, Arthur Edeson Lourenço Ferreira de Andrade
    • Midfield: Rodrigo Lindoso, Marcelo Oliveira Pinto, Luiz Wagner da Silva Costa, Wallace, Fubá, Jean Vianna
    • Forward: Renato Henrique Ferreira Silvestre da Silva
    • Substitute: Yan Rodrigues, Marcos Eduardo Costa, Marcus Vinícius da Silva Freire, Marlon Couto, Cauã Coutinho, Hugo da Silva Cabral, Guilherme de Melo Silva, Welington Zarú, Isaías Pereira, Geovane Diniz Silva, Flávio Eugênio Rodrigues de Souza, Jefferson Victor Machado Ambrósio