Rio Branco ES
Rio Branco ES
08 Aug10:00h
Rio Branco-VN
Rio Branco-VN
Rafael Olioza
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Rio Branco ES
Rio Branco ES

Highlights of the match

Rio Branco-VN
Rio Branco-VN
icone azul timer
icone azul timer
Rafael Olioza
icone verde gol
Gabriel Jordan Santos
Marcus Paulo Sousa Oliveira
Danrley Almeida Santos
Filipe Alves Viana
Rio Branco ES
Rio Branco ES

Game Analysis

Rio Branco-VN
Rio Branco-VN

Rio Branco ES x Rio Branco-VN 08-08-2021 Brazil Serie D

Summary and Highlights

Rio Branco-VN defeated Rio Branco ES by a score of 0 to 3 in Brazil Serie D. Check out the highlights, stats and other information from the match.

Upcoming Matches

Check out the next matches for both teams:

Rio Branco ES

  • Next match: Vitória ES on 08/06/2024, at 09:45 in Estádio Kleber José de Andrade

Head-to-Head History

02/02/2025CapixabaRio Branco ES 0 X 0 Rio Branco-VN
13/04/2024CapixabaRio Branco ES 0 X 1 Rio Branco-VN
07/04/2024CapixabaRio Branco-VN 1 X 2 Rio Branco ES
03/02/2024CapixabaRio Branco ES 1 X 0 Rio Branco-VN
05/03/2022CapixabaRio Branco ES 3 X 2 Rio Branco-VN

Interesting Facts

  • The most common result in matches between Rio Branco ES and Rio Branco-VN when Rio Branco ES plays at home is 0-0.
  • The most common result in matches between Rio Branco ES and Rio Branco-VN is 0-0. 3.
  • In the last 3 meetings with Rio Branco ES playing at home, Rio Branco ES won 0 times, there were 2 draws and Rio Branco-VN won 1 time.
  • During the last 7 games, Rio Branco ES won 0 times, there were 3 draws and Rio Branco-VN won 4 times.
  • Did you know that Rio Branco ES scores 21% of their goals between 41-50 minutes?
  • Did you know that Rio Branco-VN scores 17% of their goals between 31-40 minutes?
  • Rio Branco ES drew their last game.
  • Rio Branco-VN won their last game.
  • Both teams have scored goals in their last games.