FC Cascavel
FC Cascavel
15 Jan15:00h
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Estádio Olímpico Regional Jacy Miguel Scanagatta
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Cascavel, Paraná
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FC Cascavel
FC Cascavel

Game Analysis


FC Cascavel x Londrina 15-01-2025 Paranaense - 1

Summary and Highlights

The match between FC Cascavel and Londrina ended in a draw in 0 to 0 in Paranaense - 1. Check out the summary of the main moments, statistics and other information about the match.

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Interesting Facts

  • The most common result in matches between FC Cascavel and Londrina when FC Cascavel plays at home is 1-1.
  • The most common result in matches between FC Cascavel and Londrina is 1-1. 3.
  • In the last 5 meetings with FC Cascavel playing at home, FC Cascavel won 3 times, there were 2 draws and Londrina won 0 times.
  • During the last 8 games, FC Cascavel won 4 times, there were 4 draws and Londrina won 0 times.
  • FC Cascavel's last home win against Londrina was in 2025.
  • Did you know that FC Cascavel scores 22% of their goals between 81-90 minutes?
  • Did you know that Londrina scores 21% of their goals between 81-90 minutes?
  • In Paranaense - 1, FC Cascavel has a better performance than Londrina.
  • FC Cascavel lost their last game.
  • Londrina won their last game.
  • Both teams have scored goals in their last games.