Talleres Cordoba x Colon Santa Fe 07/06/2024 Copa Argentina

G. Albarracín
G. Albarracín
football card
90' + 4'
M. Galarza
M. Galarza (Silvio Alejandro Martínez)
arrows rounded right left
90' + 1'
A. Rodríguez (Alexis Amadeo Sabella)
arrows rounded right left
G. Albarracín
G. Albarracín (R. Botta)
arrows rounded right left
R. Ruiz
R. Ruiz (B. Barticciotto)
arrows rounded right left
B. Barticciotto
B. Barticciotto
football card
J. Portilla (Marcos Portillo)
arrows rounded right left
45' + 4'

On 07/06/2024, team Talleres Cordoba faces team Colon Santa Fe from the Copa Argentina, Argentina. Follow the result and the live match of Talleres Cordoba vs Colon Santa Fe starting at 03:10, here at Sambafoot.

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Talleres Cordoba vs Colon Santa Fe Formações



W. Ribonetto
I. Delfino


L. Martínez (Goalkeeper)
Manuel Matías Vicentini (Goalkeeper)
L. Morales (Goalkeeper)
Joaquín Manuel Aylagas (Goalkeeper)
J. Florentín (Goalkeeper)
Paolo Duval Goltz (Defender)
G. Herrera (Goalkeeper)
Facundo Castet (Defender)
Francisco Agustín Gualtieri (Goalkeeper)
Hernán Ezequiel Lópes (Defender)
S. Barbi (Goalkeeper)
Facundo Tomás Garcés (Defender)
T. Kummer (Defender)
T. Yossen (Defender)
Sheyko Darko Studer (Defender)
N. Utrera (Defender)
S. Fernández (Defender)
Edhard Alfredo Greising Pellaton (Defender)
R. Enríquez (Defender)
Andrew Christopher Teuten Ponzoni (Defender)
J. Rodríguez (Defender)
Ezequiel Herrera (Defender)
M. Catalán (Defender)
Alberto Espínola Giménez (Defender)
T. Olmos (Defender)
L. Picech (Defender)
Blás Miguel Riveros Galeano (Defender)
J. Navas (Defender)
Gastón Américo Benavídez (Defender)
L. Laborie (Midfielder)
Alex Vigo Gamaliel (Defender)
Nicolás Talpone (Midfielder)
L. Suárez (Defender)
C. Vega (Midfielder)
F. Saavedra (Defender)
Nicolás Delgadillo Godoy (Midfielder)
M. Navarro (Defender)
Víctor Emanuel Casado (Midfielder)
Juan Carlos Portillo (Midfielder)
Fabián Gastón Henríquez (Midfielder)
M. Gay (Midfielder)
C. Bernardi (Midfielder)
Silvio Alejandro Martínez (Midfielder)
Leonardo Sebastián Prediger (Midfielder)
G. Albarracín (Midfielder)
Alexis Amadeo Sabella (Midfielder)
Diego Ulises Ortegoza (Midfielder)
Federico Jourdan (Midfielder)
Luis Alberto Sequeira (Midfielder)
A. Forneris (Midfielder)
K. Martinez (Midfielder)
A. Rodríguez (Attacker)
J. Gallard (Midfielder)
Braian Alejandro Guille (Attacker)
V. Culasso (Midfielder)
N. Leguizamón (Attacker)
M. Galarza (Midfielder)
Facundo Martín Taborda (Attacker)
R. Botta (Midfielder)
T. Sandoval (Attacker)
J. Portilla (Midfielder)
A. Aranda (Attacker)
Marcos Portillo (Midfielder)
Jorge Daniel Benítez Guillén (Attacker)
M. Gómez (Midfielder)
I. Lago (Attacker)
Agustín Matías Funes Bernardo (Midfielder)
B. Juncos (Attacker)
K. Mantilla (Midfielder)
Santiago Daniel Pierotti (Attacker)
Antoliano Santiago Moyano (Midfielder)
Javier Fabián Toledo (Attacker)
G. Bou (Attacker)
B. Barticciotto (Attacker)
V. Depietri (Attacker)
D. Barrera (Attacker)
Agustín Adrián Venezia (Attacker)
S. Frutos (Attacker)
José David Romero (Attacker)
I. Pedano (Attacker)
F. Pozzo (Attacker)
Javier Nicolás Vallejo (Attacker)
D. Ribera (Attacker)
N. Bustos (Attacker)
R. Ruiz (Attacker)
Ramón Sosa Acosta (Attacker)
Lautaro Nahuel Ovando (Attacker)
Federico Girotti Bonazza (Attacker)
