Soroksar x Vasas 23/07/2023 Friendlies Clubs


On 23/07/2023, team Soroksar faces team Vasas from the Friendlies Clubs, World. Follow the result and the live match of Soroksar vs Vasas starting at 11:00, here at Sambafoot.

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Soroksar vs Vasas Formações



P. Lipcsei
A. Pintér


Ádám Holczer (Goalkeeper)
G. Bánfalvi (Goalkeeper)
Barnabás Major (Goalkeeper)
Ágoston Kiss (Goalkeeper)
Attila Abu (Goalkeeper)
Horváth Kornél (Goalkeeper)
Szabolcs Mergl (Goalkeeper)
Zsombor Molnár (Goalkeeper)
Roland Kunsági (Goalkeeper)
Levente Jova (Goalkeeper)
A. Máté (Goalkeeper)
Dávid Dombó (Goalkeeper)
Dávid Palásthy (Goalkeeper)
Roland Patrik Lehoczky (Defender)
Dániel Norbert Völgyi (Defender)
Máté Ódor (Defender)
Olivér Zoltán Nagy (Defender)
Róbert Litauszki (Defender)
Alexander Richárd Kékesi (Defender)
Gergő János Bodnár (Defender)
Csaba Balaskó (Defender)
László Deutsch (Defender)
Dhônata Oliveira (Defender)
Zsolt Szokol (Defender)
Krisztián Lipcsei (Defender)
Kenneth Karim Otigba (Defender)
András Krisztian Vági (Defender)
Gábor Bence Pávkovics (Defender)
Martin Króner (Defender)
Bonifert Máté János (Defender)
Erik Németh (Defender)
Botond Baráth (Defender)
Dominik Zoltán Csontos (Defender)
Ádám Újvárosi (Defender)
Dominik Bence Tóth (Defender)
Máté Vida (Midfielder)
Ádám Ottó Vincze (Defender)
Jozef Urblík (Midfielder)
Gergő Bolla (Defender)
Márk Kleisz (Midfielder)
Balázs Manner (Midfielder)
Barnabás Rácz (Midfielder)
Gábor Gyömbér (Midfielder)
Máté Pátkai (Midfielder)
Stephan Varga (Midfielder)
Bertalan Kapornai (Midfielder)
Kevin Korozmán (Midfielder)
A. Girsik (Midfielder)
Krisztián Milán Köböl (Midfielder)
Botond Gergő Farkas (Midfielder)
Peter Zsivóczky (Midfielder)
Benjámin Cseke (Midfielder)
Ádám Vass (Midfielder)
Áron Doktorics (Midfielder)
B. Somfalvi (Attacker)
Kristóf Hinora (Midfielder)
S. Szabó (Attacker)
Regő Szánthó (Midfielder)
V. István (Attacker)
Sándor Hidi (Midfielder)
Zoltán Norbert Gálfi (Attacker)
Bálint Faragó (Midfielder)
Norbert Kundrák (Attacker)
Zsombor Berecz (Midfielder)
Filip Dávid Dragóner (Attacker)
C. Bukta (Attacker)
Márton Rácz (Attacker)
Norbert Könyves (Attacker)
Balázs Lovrencsics (Attacker)
A. Pintér (Attacker)
Valentín Szabó (Attacker)
Barnabás Németh (Attacker)
D. Kovács (Attacker)
Róbert Feczesin (Attacker)
László Erdélyi (Attacker)
Tóth Milán László (Attacker)
Péter Puska (Attacker)
L. García (Attacker)
P. Mamusits (Attacker)
András Radó (Attacker)
Donát Varga (Attacker)
Benjámin Marcell Szabó (Attacker)
Botond Birtalan (Attacker)
C. Molnár (Attacker)
