Real Esppor Club x Carabobo FC 27/01/2024 Friendlies Clubs

45' + 1'
Víctor Hugo Navas Barrera
Víctor Hugo Navas Barrera

On 27/01/2024, team Real Esppor Club faces team Carabobo FC from the Friendlies Clubs, World. Follow the result and the live match of Real Esppor Club vs Carabobo FC starting at 20:30, here at Sambafoot.

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Real Esppor Club vs Carabobo FC Formações



E. García
Diego Merino


Cristopher Javier Varela Caicedo (Goalkeeper)
Yohan Josué Molleja García (Goalkeeper)
Cristhian Jesús Flores Ramírez (Goalkeeper)
Thomas Riveros Eugui (Goalkeeper)
A. Álvarez (Goalkeeper)
Diego Javier Gil Malavé (Goalkeeper)
J. Sánchez (Goalkeeper)
Claudio Adolfo Fraga Pérez (Goalkeeper)
Diego Alejandro González Rodríguez (Goalkeeper)
Lucas Bruera (Goalkeeper)
Eduardo Luis Lima Prado (Goalkeeper)
Néstor Alejandro Trejo Briceño (Defender)
Jesús David Briceño Mendoza (Goalkeeper)
D. Quero (Defender)
Moisés Manuel Acuña Morales (Defender)
Leopoldo Durán Macero (Defender)
D. Valencia (Defender)
Williams José Pedrozo García (Defender)
Luis Carlos Ovalle Victoria (Defender)
Alexis Eleazar Pérez Cedeño (Defender)
Elías Alejandro Arias Rengel (Defender)
Edilmer Paolo Chacón Rojas (Defender)
Yehova Hernando Osorio Paredes (Defender)
Julien Alain Langers Valera (Defender)
G. Molina (Defender)
Miguel Ángel Pernía Almao (Defender)
Giovanny Michael Romero Armenio (Defender)
Luis Enrique Jiménez Jaimes (Defender)
Johan Armando Micolta Ruiz (Defender)
Carlos Javier Lujano Sánchez (Defender)
Joiser Daniel Arias Maza (Defender)
Leonardo Jesús Aponte Matute (Defender)
Maiker Alfonzo Rivas González (Defender)
Marcel Daniel Guaramato García (Defender)
Martín Eduardo García (Defender)
Franyer José Oliveros Infante (Defender)
César Tobías Castellano Sosa (Defender)
Harrison Contreras Mora (Midfielder)
Diosdany Ricky Goncalves Pereira (Defender)
Guillermo Abel Ramírez Valdivia (Midfielder)
Franko Mauricio Díaz Graterol (Defender)
Franner Xavier López Castillo (Midfielder)
Omar Federico Córdoba Quintero (Defender)
Nicolás Francisco Grasso Ochelli (Midfielder)
Jorge Abdiel Gutiérrez Cornejo (Defender)
C. Chavez (Midfielder)
Alex Miguel Custodio Fernández (Defender)
Keyner Arley De Vasconcelos Adrián (Midfielder)
Andrés Alejandro Hernández Hernández (Midfielder)
Gabriel Jaime Alejandro Vargas Díaz (Midfielder)
Pedro Luis Álvarez Benavides (Midfielder)
Gustavo Junior González Pérez (Midfielder)
L. Santana (Midfielder)
Jhonney Jesús Duarte Yánez (Midfielder)
Juan Luis Perdomo Rivero (Midfielder)
Jair Enmanuel Andara García (Midfielder)
D. Leonardy (Midfielder)
Ángel Ronniel Lezama Arteaga (Midfielder)
A. Giron (Midfielder)
Edson Alejandro Tortolero Toro (Midfielder)
Andrés Alejandro Briceño Rodríguez (Midfielder)
Keiver José Zúñiga Ruiz (Midfielder)
A. Soto (Midfielder)
Robert Enrique Hernández Aguado (Midfielder)
Rommell Jhoan Ibarra Hernández (Midfielder)
Carlos Alberto Rueda Villegas (Midfielder)
Evelio de Jesús Hernández Guedez (Midfielder)
Francisco Javier Flores Sequera (Midfielder)
Darluis Andrés Paz Ferrer (Midfielder)
Héctor Joaquin Lezcano González (Midfielder)
Rafael Daniel Arace Gargaro (Midfielder)
Miguel David Salas Cortez (Midfielder)
Luis Ángel Casimiro Peña Martínez (Midfielder)
Juan Camilo Pérez (Midfielder)
José Daniel Mijares Montero (Midfielder)
Moussa Bagayoko (Attacker)
Eduardo José Maceira Galarraga (Midfielder)
Luis Felipe Bandez Salazar (Attacker)
Francisco Emilio Pol Hurtado (Midfielder)
Taddeus Nkeng Fomakwang (Attacker)
César Alberto Da Silva Correia (Midfielder)
Adrián Amir El Charani Trujillo (Attacker)
Williams José Lugo Ladera (Midfielder)
Cristian Novoa Sandín (Attacker)
Víctor Hugo Navas Barrera (Midfielder)
Reinaldo Alberto Guerra Rivas (Attacker)
Keiber Alberto Lamadrid Briceño (Midfielder)
Álbaro José Polo Beleño (Attacker)
Miguel Eduardo González Acosta (Midfielder)
Juan Carlos Ortiz Hernández (Attacker)
Elías Enrique Romero Barrios (Midfielder)
Wilfredo Alexander Herrera Torres (Attacker)
Y. Parra (Midfielder)
Ariel Reinero (Attacker)
M. González (Attacker)
F. Apaolaza (Attacker)
Gelmín Javier Rivas Boada (Attacker)
José Manuel Balza Liscano (Attacker)
Y. Perdomo (Attacker)
Yondri Miguel Llerena Herrera (Attacker)
Ronaldo Daniel Chacón Zambrano (Attacker)
Brando José Castillo Flores (Attacker)
Carlos David Subero González (Attacker)
Freiver Stiven Ruiz Vallecilla (Attacker)
Edder José Farías Martínez (Attacker)
Edgar José Silva Infante (Attacker)
Sebastián Alejandro Castillo Pérez (Attacker)
Loureins Manuel Martínez Eizaga (Attacker)
Ronaldo Luis Moreno Antúñez (Attacker)
