Cremonese x Lumezzane 26/07/2023 Friendlies Clubs

On 26/07/2023, team Cremonese faces team Lumezzane from the Friendlies Clubs, World. Follow the result and the live match of Cremonese vs Lumezzane starting at 18:00, here at Sambafoot.

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Cremonese vs Lumezzane Formações

Lumezzane Lumezzane


G. Stroppa
A. Franzini


T. Brahja (Goalkeeper)
S. Fligheddu (Goalkeeper)
D. Ciężkowski (Goalkeeper)
Matteo Rizzo (Goalkeeper)
Davide Peschieri (Goalkeeper)
G. Scremin (Defender)
G. Saro (Goalkeeper)
F. Filippini (Defender)
J. Jowsey (Goalkeeper)
A. Kwetshu (Defender)
A. Livieri (Goalkeeper)
Luka Tomaš (Defender)
A. Jungdal (Goalkeeper)
K. Tortelli (Defender)
E. De Bono (Goalkeeper)
Cesare Pogliano (Defender)
M. Sarr (Goalkeeper)
Gianluca Parodi (Defender)
F. Agazzi (Goalkeeper)
S. Righetti (Defender)
Claiton Machado dos Santos (Defender)
S. Regazzetti (Defender)
Y. Rocchetti (Defender)
Eros Pisano (Defender)
V. Antov (Defender)
Alessandro Dalmazzi (Defender)
L. Sernicola (Defender)
Carlo Ilari (Midfielder)
P. Gardoni (Defender)
Manuel Poledri (Midfielder)
Filippo Forni (Defender)
M. Moscati (Midfielder)
G. Quagliata (Defender)
Anthony Michel Taugourdeau (Midfielder)
L. Ravanelli (Defender)
Michele Calì (Midfielder)
L. Lochoshvili (Defender)
C. Spini (Attacker)
L. Marrone (Defender)
Danilo Alessandro (Attacker)
P. Ghiglione (Defender)
M. Iori (Attacker)
Ž. Majer (Midfielder)
A. Capelli (Attacker)
M. Castagnetti (Midfielder)
A. Galabinov (Attacker)
L. Borghesan (Midfielder)
Erik Gerbi (Attacker)
G. Della Rovere (Midfielder)
A. Basso (Attacker)
M. Collocolo (Midfielder)
Manuele Malotti (Attacker)
C. Pickel (Midfielder)
Kevin Cannavò (Attacker)
F. Vázquez (Midfielder)
Gonzalo Damián Abrego (Midfielder)
M. Coda (Attacker)
Antonio Piccolo (Attacker)
C. Buonaiuto (Attacker)
F. Afena-Gyan (Attacker)
C. Falletti (Attacker)
F. Tsadjout (Attacker)
L. Zanimacchia (Attacker)
Nikola Sekulov (Attacker)
D. Johnsen (Attacker)
D. Ciofani (Attacker)
