Textor’s “battle” against match-fixing in Brazilian football might earn him a six year ban

STJD dismisses evidence, recommends severe penalties as Textor's clash with Brazilian football authorities.
2024-07-11 12:47:44

The world of Brazilian football is never short on drama, and the latest saga involves Crystal Palace’s major shareholder, John Textor, who now faces a potential six-year ban from the sport in Brazil.

Textor’s Eagle Football Group, which owns Rio de Janeiro-based Botafogo, has been in a fierce dispute over alleged match-fixing that saw his team lose a lead in Brazil’s Serie A last year.

The controversy peaked when Palmeiras overtook Botafogo to win the championship, in the thick of accusations of biased refereeing and manipulated game outcomes.


++ All the controversies that John Textor has been involved in since he bought Botafogo

++ John Textor tried to steal Abel Ferreira from Palmeiras

++ São Paulo FC president to testify in CPI hearing on Textor’s match-fixing allegations

Despite presenting a detailed dossier with evidence from the French firm Good Game, which uses AI and biomechanics to detect fraud in sports, the Superior Court of Sports Justice (STJD) dismissed his claims as baseless.

The court’s response not only rejected Textor’s appeal but also recommended severe penalties for allegedly smearing the reputation of multiple teams and officials. Notably are Palmeiras president, Leila Pereira and São Paulo FC’s president, Julio Casares.

This intense clash notes deep-seated issues within the sporting justice system in Brazil, raising questions about fairness and the real challenges outsiders face in the game.

As the 2024 season progresses, this ongoing dispute adds a layer of tension to the already competitive atmosphere, especially with Botafogo and Palmeiras neck and neck in the standings.