Robinho’s close associates also implicated in 2013 rape case

Who are Robinho's friends cited in rape case?
2024-06-15 12:16:09

Robinho has been in jail since March 22 at Tremembé Penitentiary II in São Paulo. He is serving a nine-year term for raping an Albanian woman in Italy back in 2013.


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Alongside him, Ricardo Falco also faces charges and recently started his sentence after turning himself in on April 7. In a recent interview, Falco admitted he had lied earlier and now vows to tell the full story.

Falco and Robinho share a close bond, with Falco denying he was ever Robinho’s employee. He recalls attending Milan training sessions and family meals at Robinho’s house.

Four other friends of Robinho fled Italy during the investigation to avoid the trial. They were charged but have not been caught or tried yet.

The cases of Robinho and Falco, who stayed in Europe the longest, are handled separately from those still at large. Efforts are underway to bring the others to justice in Italy, says the victim’s lawyer.

The crime occurred during a night out at the Sio Café nightclub, celebrating a friend’s birthday. Recorded calls reveal a hostile environment with several men yelling